Increasing Knowledge of Forensic Evidence Collection in the Emergency Care Setting

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Annually thirty-seven million emergency department (ED) visits are injury-related and potentially require evidence collection. Proper evidence collection and preservation are critical in criminal and civil legal proceedings. Recognition, collection, and preservation of evidence are components of ED nursing. Very few nursing schools and hospitals provide forensic nursing education. The Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) recommends that all ED nurses receive training in forensic nurses in orientation and annually. This project aims to increase ED nurses' knowledge of forensic principles and evidence collection and preservation using a computer-based learning (CBL) module. The setting for this project is the ED in a 335-bed community hospital in northeast Florida. The project began with an exhaustive search of the hospital's policies, procedures, and training requirements for ED nurses. A sample of stakeholders was interviewed to determine the educational needs of ED nurses at this hospital. A CBL module with a pre and post-test was developed to educate the ED nurses. Increasing ED nurses' knowledge on caring for CBL modules has been shown to be more effective than in-person lectures and more convenient for ED nurses than attending lectures. This project was guided by the Academic Center for Evidence-Based Practice Star Model. ED nurses who are provided with education and training in caring for forensic patients can better care for their patient's physical and emotional needs and contribute to justice.


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