Mathematics Syllabi
Syllabi from 2022
MATH 311-01 Probability Theory (Fall 2022)
David Gerberry
MATH 316 Cryptology (Fall 2022)
Dena Morton
Syllabi from 2021
MACS 101-01 Introduction to Actuarial Science (Spring 2021)
Hem Joshi
MATH 105 Fundamentals of Math (Spring 2021)
Amy Buot
MATH 116-ABSN Elemenatry Statistics (Spring 2021)
Amy Buot
MATH 116 Elementary Statistics (Spring 2021)
Amy Buot
MATH 120-01-04-06 Elementary Statistics (Spring 2021)
Daniel Otero
MATH 125-01-02 The Art and Code of Mathematics (Spring 2021)
Esmeralda Nastase
MATH 125-ONL Women in Mathematics (Spring 2021)
Shelia Doran
MATH 140 Concepts of Calculus (Spring 2021)
Shelia Doran
MATH 140 Concepts of Calculus (Spring 2021)
David Gerberry
MATH 140 Concepts of Calculus (Spring 2021)
Mark Davis
MATH 146 Introductory Biostatistics (Spring 2021)
Max Buot
MATH 156-05-06 General Statistics (Spring 2021)
Chris Staat
MATH 156 General Statistics (Spring 2021)
Ryan Miller
MATH 169-01 Precalculus (Spring 2021)
Chris Staat
MATH 171-01 Calculus II (Spring 2021)
Hem Joshi
MATH 200 Mathematical Finance (Spring 2021)
Max Buot
MATH 212-02-03 Mathematics for Education (Spring 2021)
Carla Gerberry
MATH 225 Foundations of Higher Mathematics (Spring 2021)
Dena Morton
MATH 230 Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations (Spring 2021)
David Gerberry
MATH 240 Linear Algebra (Spring 2021)
Jim Snodgrass
MATH 257 Data Modeling (Spring 2021)
Ryan Miller
MATH 280 Combinatories (Spring 2021)
Esmeralda Nastase
MATH 105-01-ONL Fundamentals of Mathematics (Summer 2021)
Mark Davis
MATH 116-ABSN Elementary Statistics (Summer 2021)
Amy Buot
MATH 125 Women in Mathematics (Summer 2021)
Shelia Doran
MATH 156-01 Statistics (Summer 2021)
Minerva Catral
MATH 156-02-ONL General Statistics (Summer 2021)
Chris Staat
MATH 516 Introduction to Statistics (Summer 2021)
Max Buot
MATH 105-06 Fundamentals of Math (Fall 2021)
Andrew Hill
MATH 105-07 Fundamentals of Math (Fall 2021)
Amy Buot
MATH 105 Fundamentals of Math (Fall 2021)
Max Buot
MATH 116-01-05-06 Elementary Statistics (Fall 2021)
Amy Buot
MATH 116-ABSN Elementary Statistics (Fall 2021)
Amy Buot
MATH 120-01 Elementary Functions (Fall 2021)
Andrew Hill
MATH 120-03 Elementary Functions (Fall 2021)
Andrew Hill
MATH 120-08 Elementary Functions (Fall 2021)
Andrew Hill
MATH 120 Elementary Functions (Fall 2021)
Elena Stanescu-Bellu
MATH 125-01-02 The Art and Code of Mathmatics (Fall 2021)
Esmeralda Nastase
MATH 140-01-02 Concepts of Calculus (Fall 2021)
David Gerberry
MATH 140-05 Concepts of Calculus (Fall 2021)
Daniel Otero
MATH 140-08-10 Concepts of Calculus (Fall 2021)
Chris Staat
MATH 140 Applied Calculus (Fall 2021)
Elena Stanescu-Bellu
MATH 146 Introductory Biostatistics (Fall 2021)
Ryan Miller
MATH 146 Introductory Biostatistics (Fall 2021)
Max Buot
MATH 156-01-05 General Statistics (Fall 2021)
Chris Staat
MATH 156-02 General Statistics (Fall 2021)
Grigory Sokolov
MATH 170-01-02 Calculus I (Fall 2021)
Minerva Catral
MATH 171-01 Calculus II (Fall 2021)
Daniel Otero
MATH 222-01 Applied Linear Algebra (Fall 2021)
Minerva Catral
MATH 225 Foundations of Higher Mathmatics (Fall 2021)
Dena Morton
MATH 230-01 Calculus (Fall 2021)
David Gerberry
MATH 256 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (Fall 2021)
Ryan Miller
MATH 300-01 History of Mathematics (Fall 2021)
Daniel Otero
MATH 311-01 Probability Theory (Fall 2021)
Grigory Sokolov
MATH 330 Graph Theory (Fall 2021)
Esmeralda Nastase
Syllabi from 2020
MACS 101 Introduction to Actuarial Science (Spring 2020)
Max Buot
MATH 105-03 Fundamentals of Mathematics (Spring 2020)
Andrew Hill
MATH 110-01-02 Math (Spring 2020)
Bernd Rossa
MATH 116-01-02 Elementary Statistics (Spring 2020)
Amy Buot
MATH 116-02-03-04 (Spring 2020)
Mark Davis
MATH 120-01 Elementary Functions (Spring 2020)
Andrew Hill
MATH 120-02 Elementary Functions (Spring 2020)
Andrew Hill
MATH 120-03-04 Elementary Functions (Spring 2020)
Daniel Otero
MATH 120-05 Elementary Functions (Spring 2020)
Andrew Hill
MATH 125 Personal Finance (Spring 2020)
Shelia Doran
MATH 140-01 Concepts of Calculus (Spring 2020)
Daniel Otero
MATH 140-02 Concepts of Calculus (Spring 2020)
Chris Staat
MATH 140-04-05 Concepts of Calculus (Spring 2020)
Mark Davis
MATH 140-06-09 Concepts of Calculus (Spring 2020)
Hem Joshi
MATH 156-03-04 General Statistics (Spring 2020)
Amy Buot
MATH 158 General Statistics II (Spring 2020)
Max Buot
MATH 169-01 Precalculus (Spring 2020)
Jake Lennon
MATH 210-01-02 Business Statistics (Spring 2020)
Chris Staat
MATH 212 Geometry and Measurement MCED (Spring 2020)
Shelia Doran
MATH 220 Multivariable Calculus (Spring 2020)
Bernd Rossa
MATH 230-01 Differential Equations (Spring 2020)
Hem Joshi
MATH 391 393 Mathematics Seminar I and II (Spring 2020)
Bernd Rossa
MATH 116 Elementary Statistics (Summer 2020)
Amy Buot
MATH 125-ONL Women in Mathematics (Summer 2020)
Shelia Doran
MATH 140 Concepts of Calculus (Summer 2020)
Hem Joshi
MATH 156-02 General Statistics (Summer 2020)
Mark Davis
MATH 105-03 Fundamentals of Mathematics (Fall 2020)
Mark Davis
MATH 105-04 Fundamentals of Mathematics (Fall 2020)
Andrew Hill
MATH 105 Fundamentals of Mathematics (Fall 2020)
Andrew Hill
MATH 116-02-05 Elementary Statistics (Fall 2020)
Mark Davis
MATH 120-05 Elementary Functions (Fall 2020)
Daniel Otero
MATH 120-06-08-09 Elementary Functions (Fall 2020)
Aqeeb Sabree
MATH 120-07 Elementary Functions (Fall 2020)
Daniel Otero
MATH 120 Elementary Functions (Fall 2020)
Andrew Hill
MATH 125 Personal Finance (Fall 2020)
Shelia Doran
MATH 140-03-10 Concepts of Concepts (Fall 2020)
Mark Davis
MATH 140 Concepts of Calculus (Fall 2020)
Shelia Doran
MATH 140 Concepts of Calculus (Fall 2020)
Hem Joshi
MATH 156-01-05 General Statistics (Fall 2020)
Chris Staat
MATH 169-01 Precalculus (Fall 2020)
Aqeeb Sabree
MATH 169-02 Precalculus (Fall 2020)
Chris Staat
MATH 170-02 Calculus I (Fall 2020)
Hem Joshi
MATH 211 Mathematics for Education Teachers (Fall 2020)
Carla Gerberry