Classics Syllabi
Syllabi from 2023
CLAS 171 Ancient Iraq and Bible Lands (Spring 2023)
Julia Olson
CLAS 262 Roman Archaeology (Spring 2023)
Amanda Pavlick
CLAS 399 Capstone Thesis (Spring 2023)
Shannon Byrne
GREK 102 Elementary Greek II (Spring 2023)
Shannon Byrne
GREK 311 History of Ancient Greece (Spring 2023)
Shannon Byrne
LATN 101 Lingua Latina (Spring 2023)
"Katie" De Boer
LATN 112 Intensive Latin II (Spring 2023)
Shannon Byrne
CLAS 205-01 Classical Literature and the Moral Imagination (Fall 2023)
Thomas Strunk
CLAS 398 Capstone Thesis Part I (Fall 2023)
Thomas Strunk
GREK 201 Attic Prose (Fall 2023)
Shannon Byrne
LATN 111 Intensive Latin I (Fall 2023)
Shannon Byrne
LATN 380-01 Romans and Moderns: Cato and Caesar (Fall 2023)
Thomas Strunk
Syllabi from 2022
CLAS 161 From Augustus to Attila (Spring 2022)
Amanda Pavlick
CLAS 205-01 Ancient Identities: Race and Ethnicity, Antiquity and Today (Spring 2022)
Katie De Boer
CLAS 241 Classical Mythology: Art (Spring 2022)
William Weir
CLAS 245-01 Classical Myth on Film (Spring 2022)
Katie De Boer
CLAS 262 Roman Archaeology (Spring 2022)
Amanda Pavlick
CLAS 399 Capstone Thesis (Spring 2022)
Shannon Byrne
GREK 351-01 Rebellion and Punishment: Prometheus Bound (Spring 2022)
Katie De Boer
LATN 102-01 Elementary Latin 2 (Spring 2022)
William Weir
LATN 212-01 Vergil's Aeneid 7-12 (Spring 2022)
Katie De Boer
LATN 311-H History of Ancient Rome: Sallust and the Catilinarian Conspiracy - Honors (Spring 2022)
Thomas Strunk
CLAS 173 Introduction to Biblical Hebrew (Fall 2022)
Julia Olson
CLAS 205-01 Classical Literature and the Moral Imagination (Fall 2022)
Thomas Strunk
CLAS 261 Greek Archaeology (Fall 2022)
Amanda Pavlick
CLAS 398-TU Capstone Thesis (Fall 2022)
Shannon Byrne
GREK 101 Elementary Greek I (Fall 2022)
Shannon Byrne
GREK 355-01 Women on Trail in Classical Athens (Fall 2022)
Katie De Boer
LATN 101-01 Lingua Latina (Fall 2022)
Katie De Boer
LATN 111 Intensive Latin I (Fall 2022)
Shannon Byrne
LATN 201 Intermediate Latin Prose (Fall 2022)
Amanda Pavlick
LATN 201-TU Intermediate Latin I (Fall 2022)
Shannon Byrne
LATN 371 Medieval Latin: Augustine and Egeria: Pilgrimage and Personal Growth (Fall 2022)
Thomas Strunk
Syllabi from 2021
CLAS 121-01 From Alexander to Cleopatra (Spring 2021)
William Weir
CLAS 161 From Augustus to Attila (Spring 2021)
Jeremy Swist
CLAS 205-01 Ancient Identities (Spring 2021)
Katie De Boer
CLAS 236-ONL Gender and Sexualityin Ancient Greece (Spring 2021)
Shannon Byrne
CLAS 241-01 Classical Mythology: Art (Spring 2021)
William Weir
CLAS 262 Roman Archaeology (Spring 2021)
Amanda Pavlick
GREK 102-01 Greek (Spring 2021)
Katie De Boer
GREK 202-01 Attic Tragedy (Spring 2021)
Thomas Strunk
LATN 102 Elementary Latin 2 (Spring 2021)
Amanda Pavlick
LATN 112 Intensive Elementary Latin II (Spring 2021)
Jeremy Swist
LATN 212-01 Vergil's Aeneid 7-12 (Spring 2021)
Katie De Boer
CLAS 120-01 From Homer to Plato (Fall 2021)
William Weir
CLAS 160-01 From Romulus to Octavian (Fall 2021)
William Weir
CLAS 205-01 Classical Literature and the Moral Imagination (Fall 2021)
Thomas Strunk
CLAS 261 Greek Archaeology (Fall 2021)
Amanda Pavlick
CLAS 398 Capstone Thesis (Fall 2021)
Shannon Byrne
GREK 201-01 Intermediate Greek: Plato's Symposium (Fall 2021)
Katie De Boer
GREK 322-01 Sailing the Wine Dark Sea Homer's Odyssey (Fall 2021)
Katie De Boer
LATN 101-02 Elementary Latin I (Fall 2021)
William Weir
LATN 111 Intensive Latin I (Fall 2021)
Shannon Byrne
LATN 201-01 Intermediate Latin Prose (Fall 2021)
Amanda Pavlick
LATN 211-01 Cicero's Orations (Fall 2021)
Katie De Boer
Syllabi from 2020
CLAS 121-01 From Alexander to Cleopatra (Spring 2020)
Alexandros Laftsidis
CLAS 161-01 From Augustus to Atilla (Spring 2020)
William Weir
CLAS 171-01 Ancient Iraq and Bible Lands (Spring 2020)
Alexandros Laftsidis
CLAS 217 Church Fathers (Spring 2020)
Kurt Backlund
CLAS 241-01 Classical Mythology: Art (Spring 2020)
Alexandros Laftsidis
CLAS 245-01 Classical Myth On Film (Spring 2020)
Katie De Boer
CLAS 262 Roman Archaeology (Spring 2020)
Amanda Pavlick
CLAS 399 Capstone Thesis (Spring 2020)
Shannon Byrne
GREK 102-01 Greek (Spring 2020)
Katie De Boer
GREK 380-01 Homer's Iliad and the Trauma of War (Spring 2020)
Katie De Boer
LATN 102 Elementary Latin 2 (Spring 2020)
Amanda Pavlick
LATN 112-01 Intensive Elemenatary Latin II (Spring 2020)
Alexandros Laftsidis
LATN 212-01 Vergil's Aeneid (Spring 2020)
Katie De Boer
CLAS 236-ONL Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Greece (Summer 2020)
Shannon Byrne
CLAS 120-01 From Homer to Plato (Fall 2020)
William Weir
CLAS 160-01 From Romulus to Octavian (Fall 2020)
Katie De Boer
CLAS 173 Introduction to Biblical Hebrew (Fall 2020)
Kurt Backlund
CLAS 205 Classical Literature and the Moral Imagination (Fall 2020)
Thomas Strunk
CLAS 211 The Dead Sea Scrolls (Fall 2020)
Kurt Backlund
CLAS 240-01 World Mythology (Fall 2020)
William Weir
CLAS 262 Roman Archaeology (Fall 2020)
Amanda Pavlick
GREK 101-01 Greek (Fall 2020)
Katie De Boer
GREK 201-01 Intermediate Greek: Plato's Symposium (Fall 2020)
Katie De Boer
GREK 311 History of Ancient Greece (Fall 2020)
Shannon Byrne
LATN 102 Elementary Latin 2 (Fall 2020)
Amanda Pavlick
LATN 111-01 Intensive Elementary Latin I (Fall 2020)
Jeremy Swist
LATN 201-01 Intermediate Latin I: Prose (Fall 2020)
Jeremy Swist
LATN 211-01 Cicero's Orations (Fall 2020)
Katie De Boer
Syllabi from 2019
CLAS 120-01 From Homer to Plato (Spring 2019)
Alexandros Laftsidis
CLAS 161 From Augustus to Attila (Spring 2019)
Amanda Pavlick
CLAS 170-01 Ancient Egypt and Nubia (Spring 2019)
Guy Ridge
CLAS 205-01 Classical Literature and the Moral Imagination (Spring 2019)
Jay Arns
CLAS 236 Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Greece (Spring 2019)
Shannon Byrne
CLAS 261-01 Greek Archaeology (Spring 2019)
Alexandros Laftsidis
CLASS 399-01 Capstone Thesis Part 2 (Spring 2019)
Thomas Strunk
GREK 102-01H Elementary Greek II (Spring 2019)
Alexandros Laftsidis
GREK 202-01H Attic Tragedy (Spring 2019)
Jay Arns
GREK355 Attic Orators (Spring 2019)
Shannon Byrne
LATN 102 Elementary Latin 2 (Spring 2019)
Amanda Pavlick
LATN 112-01 Intensive Elementary Latin II (Spring 2019)
Alexandros Laftsidis
LATN 202-01 Intermediate Latin: Poetry (Spring 2019)
Jay Arns
LATN 212-01H Vergil: Aeneid (Spring 2019)
Jay Arns
LATN 241 Latin Prose Composition (Spring 2019)
Shannon Byrne
CLAS 120-01 From Homer to Plato (Fall 2019)
Alexandros Laftsidis
CLAS 160-01 From Romulus to Octavian (Fall 2019)
William Weir