Using Video as Pedagogy for Globally Connected Learning about the Hiv/Aids Pandemic

Dennis D. Long, Xavier University - Cincinnati
D. Rowan
D. Kabwira
T. Mmali
M. Rankopo


How might U.S. social work students' perceptions of HIV/AIDS differ from those of social work students in sub-Saharan Africa? Furthermore, what can students learn from hearing how students from other countries view them? Social work students in the United States, Botswana, and Malawi were video-recorded; they then viewed the videos of students at other sites and responded. The African students had personal experiences of HIV/AIDS, whereas those in the United States had little contact with people living with HIV/AIDS. Students in all locations revealed culturally constructed meanings and beliefs in associated myths regarding HIV/AIDS. The process of viewing students of different cultures is illustrated as an effective pedagogical approach toward increasing students' global learning and could be replicated using discussion of other international challenges.